3 Simple Steps to Make Your Website Visible!
2 May 2023
By Admin
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Recently, a joke got fame on Internet, which says, “The best place to hide a dead body is the second page of Google search results! Unless it is really unavailable or very dissatisfactory on the first page, we hardly look onto the second page of the search engine results. The main cause is that, search engine manages to satisfy you with the results shown on the first page. We barely need to look further than the page one, for information or the website we have been looking for.
If you are one of them who run a website, you know how much it is important for your page to show up on the first page of the search engine result pages. For the web page owners, making your web page “visible means your page has the ranking to be shown on the first page of Google search results.
There is another way to show your website on the first page is to have paid websites, which will secure the ranking and position on the search engine results. But for the organic results, the only way to improve your pages ranking is to improve its quality is to do “search engine optimization. Search engine optimization means to improve the total quality of the web page. The quality of the web page means several qualities that determine that the page will get enough importance and ranking that will help it to peek on the first page of SERPs (search engine result pages).
Now, you can have a query that, how you will make it to the first page or those initial rankings? Yes, it's very important to know, especially for the web page owners who are still struggling to make it “visible to the outer world. And by doing search engine optimization can help your website actually to be visible for those who search for the contents, products or services that you serve or offer through your website.
The steps are pretty easy to do the SEO for your website
1.The very first step is to gather the key words. Keywords are those specific words that related to your contents described or offered on your website. And the words that the seeker of the contents, which means the internet users looking for products or services. Before you go for the keyword list, you need to figure out those common search terms that are mostly used to search for the contents you offer. After you put those words in your website pages, search engines are most likely to send traffics to your websites.
Keywords are involved in ranking of your pages too. So it's important that where you are using those keywords. If you are thinking that you will use those important keywords in your Meta keyword section it's not really a good idea because Meta keywords are highly abused. Those keywords are really important to decorate your website and you need to use them properly in important places, so that your webpage can be easily found when those keywords are typed on the search engines search boxes.
2.The second important step is to follow and a bit of investigate the ranking of other websites who serves similar products or services to yours. There may be a lot stronger websites roaming on the internet but you can't really give up, right? Looking for the ranking of other pages will keep you focused and it's better to know what you are up against. Stronger competitors will also make you stronger as you go for the real fight.
Third and most important part for your website
3.The third step is linking your website. No, it's not that how much link you are using on your pages. Its more like how much other websites are using the links of your site. It is more like recommending. You need to make your links easily available and usable so that other websites can use them and state that your website is important.
You may offer unique products or services but without doing SEO you can't get into the picture at all. Follow the steps again and again to keep your rank high and appear on the first page of search results.