Cool article using article rewriter just in 15 minutes
2 May 2023
By Admin
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I am a blogger, also a digital marketer feeling value of content as google loves the fresh content! Surely you do so but we people struggling to manage such content always. Here I have some idea, believe this will help you as well. Not only you have to write, have to reach the goal also what it would be! Let's use online article rewriter.
An article has its objective first
- Get the attention of your reader
- Ensure your article reveal the theme of the article so that reader get something
- Finally, check it confirms your digital marketing goal.
I follow the 6 steps that keep me happy, Hope satisfy you also.
# Select your goal, finalize title:
Why and How to!
What you expect from the article , it brings sale or flow of traffic or subscribe to your website or else , now title browse different website or possibly your competitor site also , read their various content define your title when the title is ready I am sure , you will be inspired yourself to write the whole. Start it , but if feel bored just pause , resume it whenever you are fueled again .
# Analyze the article content
Now the time of findings , sometimes it’s unethical but for getting the knowledge you have to ready , it can rich your content same time give quicker output. Do google using your title or part of, read carefully, note the points and wording that is suited to you .Keep it in mind your creation should be easy and simple for the audience.
# Select the best article
Do the best search; select one that comprehensive, informative. To select the proper article you need to read it carefully and determine your understanding level, what you understand better choose this one first.
# Choose Article Rewriter
There are many more tools available online, find out the best one that offers more options like , ability to change words, use those words that you have noted at the time of analyze. Also select referred few words from the tool , so definitely you need a great article rewriter tool. I am using http://seowagon.com/article-rewriter , you may test it.
It is easy and user-friendly , just copy the selected article and past here , click on continue its strong processor process it , spin it and offer you to change the wording , now the time of using your desired words , you may get help about word synonyms from google translator. Hope you will get a fresh unique content in minutes.
# Go for Grammar Check
Finally be curious , your content is bug-free , go for the grammar checker tool that should get the same page of Seo Wagon else can use http://seowagon.com/grammar-checker. Verify the content here and correct it .
# Create an image as your header title
An image talks 1000 words at a glance, create an image that shows the whole things covered the article with the big title, that is catchy reader get the first idea just seeing the creative image.
Oh about keywords, uses it within you title first then at best 2 to 3 times within the whole content, remember to choose min 300 or more word writings.